Khaldoun AbouAssi
Dr. AbouAssi’s research focuses on nonprofit and public management from a comparative perspective, examining organizational capacity, resources, and inter-organizational relations. His research interests have been motivated by my own professional experience working for public and nonprofit sectors in Lebanon. Challenges in today’s globalized world—such as migration, climate change, and poverty—transcend sectors and boundaries and require effective governance and management strategies. The two sectors inevitably must find more avenues to collaborate. The ability of public and nonprofit organizations to mitigate these challenges, to fulfill their goals, and to perform effectively has ripple effects on individuals and communities they serve. Dr. AbouAssi’s research investigates how organizations meet and manage these challenges particularly in an environment of resource scarcity, which can foster both competitive and collaborative behaviors and relations with and across sectors.
Dr. AbouAssi holds a PhD in public administration from the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs of Syracuse University. From 2012-2015, Dr. AbouAssi was an Assistant Professor at the Bush School of Government and Public Service, Texas A&M.
Dr. AbouAssi serves in leadership positions at several professional organizations including the American Society of Public Administration, the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action, and Public Management Research Association. Dr. AbouAssi also has extensive practical experience, having worked for more than 12 years in public and nonprofit organizations in the Middle East. In addition, he serves as a consultant and trainer to NGOs and donor agencies.