Cana Kim
Cana Kim is a postdoctoral research scholar for the Security and Defense Plus Initiative (S&D+) in the School of Politics and Global Studies at Arizona State University. Her research interests intersect International Relations, Public Opinion, and Political Communication with a regional focus on the U.S. and East Asia. Her dissertation focuses on the sources and mechanisms of popular foreign policy constraints in the U.S. Another stream of her work attends to the role of media in cultivating public opinion surrounding conventional and non-conventional security issues. Cana’s research also stretches to the effect of gender/racial identities on political communication. In conducting research, she uses both large-N quantitative and qualitative methods as well as experimentation. Cana is a 2022-23 Dissertation Year Fellow at Louisiana State University and past recipient of the 2022 Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP) Research Grant and the 2018 Chair Scholarship from the Korean American Scholarship Foundation. Cana earned her M.A. and B.A. in political science from Yonsei University in South Korea.