Happy Friday! Welcome to our Media Round Up. Each week we’re collecting and sharing our…
Media Round-Up: Week of May 1st

Happy Friday! Welcome to our Media Round Up. Each week we’re collecting and sharing our favorite gender + politics stories. Here’s what caught our eye this week:
The 19th Explains: The governor’s races we’re watching in 2022
Barbara Rodriguez, The 19th*
Thirty-six states are holding gubernatorial elections this year, and about one-third of them include major bids from women, women of color, and LGBTQ+ people. As of this month, eight incumbent women are seeking re-election for governor, and twenty-three women are seeking open seats in eight states, according to data from the Center for American Women and Politics. Some of the potential history making moments include: several women running to become the first Black woman elected governor, and the potential to break the record number (nine) of women governors serving concurrently.
Read the full story here.
Report: Supreme Court draft suggests Roe could be overturned
Mark Sherman and Zeke Miller, AP News
A leak of a draft opinion shows that the Supreme Court is poised to overturn landmark case Roe v. Wade (1973) that legalized abortion nationwide. If Roe v. Wade is overturned, it would likely lead to abortion bans in half of American states, and have serious ramifications on this year’s midterm elections. The draft is not the Supreme Court’s final opinion which could change over the course of the continuing process.
Read the full story here.
Charted: Women of color in Congress
Sophia Cai and Simran Parwani, Axios
According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, women of color are still not proportionally represented in senior staff positions in Congress; in fact, “[t]he number of women of color holding senior staff roles in Congress trails the general population by a factor of three.” While Congress is becoming more diverse, the senior staff who conduct important policy analysis is still heavily white and male. When commenting on the lack of representation of women of color in these high level positions within Congress, President and co-founder of the of the Black Women’s Congressional Alliance Keenan Austin-Reid said, “Diversity is being invited to the party, but inclusion is actually being asked to dance.”
Read the full story here.
Former Dayton Mayor Whaley wins Democratic Ohio gubernatorial primary
Adam Edelman, NBC News
In a historic first, former Dayton Mayor Nan Whaley and Cuyahoga County Councilmember Cheryl Stephens won the Democratic primary for Governor and Lieutenant Governor of Ohio, respectively. Whaley and Stephens are the first all-woman ticket in the running for major statewide positions in Ohio. Whaley defeated former Cincinnati Mayor John Cranley in the primary this week to secure her spot in the general election this November.
Read the full story here.