Media Round-Up: Week of June 11th


Happy Friday! Welcome to our Media Round Up. Each week, we’re collecting and sharing gender + politics stories. Here’s what caught our eye this week:

Black Women Offer Lawmakers a Policy Guide on Reproductive Justice 

Cheyanne M. Daniels, The Hill 

A group of 30 Black-led organizations collaborated to create a guide for policymakers to improve and create policies that center positive outcomes for Black women, girls, and gender-expansive people. In Our Own Voice: National Black Women’s Reproductive Justice Agenda, Interfaith Voices for Reproductive Justice, and SisterLove, Inc. are among some of the groups that helped to create the Black Reproductive Justice Policy Agenda, which began in 2021. The guide includes discussion on key health issues that disproportionately affect Black women and girls, such as the maternal health crisis and high rates of comorbidities. The idea of reproductive justice was originally formed in 1994 by 12 Black woman in Chicago who came together to discuss the implications of the health care system and what it meant for Black women.   

Read the full story here 


Why 2024 Is Shaping Up To Be The Most Online Election Ever 

Kaleigh Rogers, Five Thirty Eight  

While online components of political campaigns have had a presence for several decades now, we are entering a period of transition where candidates feel the need to engage with Twitter debates and TikTok trends. Some of the onlineness of campaigns manifests in an organic way. For example, Marianne Williamson is trendy on TikTok and polls well among Gen Z and millennials than older generations. The onlineness of campaigns can also manifest in ways that are tied directly to internet culture and require multiple explanations. Ryan Broderick, an internet culture writer, concludes that the uptick in online activity related to campaigns was inevitable due to the increase of the population’s digitally focused lives.  

Read the full story here 


Undocumented Women Are Among the Lowest Paid. How Low Depends on Where They Live. 

Jack Ross, USA Today 

According to a new report by the Gender Equity Policy Institute (GEPI), undocumented women workers are one of the lowest paid groups in the U.S., earning less than woman overall and less than undocumented men. The report shows that undocumented women workers fall into this category due to the type of jobs they have and the states in which they live. One of the study’s most surprising findings was that the gender pay gaps drastically vary between California, New York, Florida, and Texas- states with the biggest populations of undocumented women. Policies in California and New York may have contributed to a pay raise for undocumented women those states.  

Read the full story here 


What’s at Stake as Southern Baptists Move to Bar Female Pastors 

Colbi Edmonds, New York Times 

The Southern Baptist Convention has expelled five churches this year due to the appointment of women as pastors. Some members of the congregation would like to amend the Southern Baptist Convention constitution by stating that a church can only be Southern Baptist if it, “… does not affirm, appoint or employ a woman as a pastor of any kind.” If the amendment to the constitution is voted in, it would not take effect until next year at the earliest.  

Read the full story here 


Women of Every Race and Ethnicity Broke Representation Records in Statehouses After the 2022 Midterms 

Barbara Rodriguez, The 19th* 

The Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP) at Rutgers University reports that women hit new levels of representation in statehouses following the 2022 midterms. New records were se by Asian American/Pacific Islander Black, Latina, Native American, Middle Eastern or North African, and White women. The director of research and a scholar at CAWP, Kelly Dittmar, says that the gains in representation are across states and the reasons behind them vary. With the nation becoming more diverse, the demand for that to be reflected in who holds elected office increases.  

Read the full story here 

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