Happy Friday! Welcome to our Media Round Up. Each week we’ll be collecting and…
Media Round Up: Week of July 26th

Happy Friday! Welcome to our Media Round Up. Each week we’re collecting and sharing our favorite gender + politics stories. Here’s what caught our eye this week:
With His ‘Women’s Agenda,’ Joe Biden Acknowledges That Most Issues Are in Fact Women’s Issues
Mattie Kahn, Glamour
Joe Biden’s new “Agenda for Women” lays out his policy proposals for issues affecting women. Traditionally, “women’s issues” were just abortion and gender discrimination. Now, politicians are starting to take note of a fact women have always know: economic issues, health care, student debt, and much more are all women’s issues. Gender-neutral policies are not sufficient: women’s interests must be taken into account at all steps of legislating.
You can read the full article here.
Women Have Been Voting for 100 Years. What Do We Have to Show for It?
Gail Collins, The New York Times
Champions of the 19th Amendment hoped that when American women got the right to vote, they’d immediately change the nation. Instead, the shift was gradual. Women slowly began to vote at higher rates, taking more political power each cycle. Today, women are more politically involved than ever, running for office, working on campaigns, attending protests, and more. Click to read more about the progress of women’s suffrage over the last century.
You can read the full article here.
Why Biden’s V.P. pick could clinch the 2020 race
Mark McKinnon, Vanity Fair
Historically, the selection of a presidential running mate has had little impact on the race’s outcome. This cycle, Biden’s VP will get more attention and scrutiny while on the campaign trail. The woman he selects will also be critical to engaging voters, handling the COVID-19 crisis, and helping Biden lead if elected.
You can read the full article here.
Congresswomen of color have always fought back against sexism
Dana Frank, The New York Times
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has made headlines for her powerful rebuke of sexism last week, echoing another famous incident from 50 years ago. Rep. Patsy Mink, the first woman of color in Congress, frequently fought for gender equality. In one incident, she faced sexist remarks in a committee meeting from a colleague who said a woman could never become president. The parallel events are a powerful reminder of the importance of women in color in office.
You can read the full article here.
AOC spoke out against a global problem — violence against women in politics
Mona Lena Krook, The Washington Post
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s strong remarks resonated not just with women in the U.S., but across the globe. In many areas, violence against women in politics is common as adversaries attack women politicians for their participation in the political process. This issue is even worse for women of color, or those who vocally support women’s rights. Until recently, this violence has largely been ignored. Fortunately, more women in politics are speaking up about their experiences, helping shine light on this sexism.
You can read the full article here.
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