Happy Friday! Welcome to our Media Round Up. Each week we’re collecting and sharing our…
Media Round Up: March 15th

Happy Friday! Welcome to our Media Round Up. Each week we’re collecting and sharing our favorite gender + politics stories. Here’s what caught our eye this week:
Biden says he will choose a female VP. Sanders wouldn’t commit.
Caroline Kitchener, The Lily
During Sunday night’s Democratic debate, former vice president Joe Biden promised that his vice president will be a woman. Senator Bernie Sanders refused to commit, but said “in all likelihood,” his running mate will be a woman. If elected, the woman would be better positioned than any woman in history to become the first woman president of the U.S.
You can read the full article here.
Why Representation in Politics Actually Matters
Sophie Vaughan, Teen Vogue
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: representation matters! Our system is meant to be a representative democracy, so it needs to represent women too. Having women and people of color in elected office signals to girls that their voices matter, builds trust in the government, and creates more effective legislature.
You can read the full article here.
Intensifying coronavirus fears rattle voters and elections officials in advance of Tuesday primaries
Amy Gardner and Elise Viebeck, The Washington Post
As the threat of coronavirus increases, election officials and voters are left scrambling to prepare. In Arizona, Florida, and Illinois, officials have been replacing poll workers who won’t show on Tuesday, supplying thousands of precincts with sanitizing supplies, and notifying voters of changed polling locations. The Ohio primary has been postponed entirely. Many voters are left wondering where and how to vote, especially those under quarantine or whose colleges have been closed down.
You can read the full article here.
Why Women May Face a Greater Risk of Catching Coronavirus
Alisha Haridasani Gupta, The New York Time
COVID-19 has impacted Americans across the country, but health experts predict that the crisis will disproportionately affect women. Traditional gender roles can influence where men and women spend their time, and how likely they are to come into contact to the coronavirus. 78% of U.S. health care workers are women, and nurses are disproportionately likely to be exposed. Given the disparate impact between men and women, responses like paid sick leave and healthcare must be addressed with a focus on gender, too.
You can read the full article here.
The Coronavirus Is a Disaster for Feminism
Helen Lewis, The Atlantic
Helen Lewis argues that the coronavirus crisis could cause a return to traditional breadwinner/homemaker divides. In heterosexual relationships, women’s jobs tend to be a lower priority when disruptions come along – like schools closing, leaving couples without childcare. Key quote? “The coronavirus smashes up the bargain that so many dual-earner couples have made in the developed world: We can both work, because someone else is looking after our children.”
You can read the full article here.
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