Ahead of the first Democratic debates of the 2020 presidential race, the Democratic National…
Two debates down, ten to go.

Two debates down, ten to go. As we head into the third match-up of the cycle, here’s a look back at what we’ve seen so far, and what we’re looking for in the months ahead…
First, a little history.
4 History-Making Debate Moments. Women on both sides of the aisle have been present in debates – albeit sparingly – for decades. We’ve rounded up some of the best debate moments from women candidates.
The women in the Democratic primary debates will make history. Here’s how moderators can do the same. There have been more than 170 Democratic and Republican presidential primary debates broadcast since the first radio debate in 1948; in that time, only five women have ever participated – until now.
Fast Facts: Women Moderators and Presidential Debates. These facts about women moderators illustrate just how women have been locked out of our debates and why we need to make sure women and men are represented equally in all aspects of the debate process.
3 Stats to Know About Women Voters. Women turn out at higher rates for midterm elections than men and have voted at higher rates than men in every presidential election since 1964.
Looking at the June debates.
Here’s what we were watching for heading into the June debates.
Night 1: what we saw, and a full question breakdown for night 1.
Night 2: what we saw, and a full question breakdown for both nights.
Our favorite tweets and articles from the June debates.
And our analysis on how women performed, and what we learned.
Looking at the July debates.
Here’s what we were watching for heading into the July debates.
Night 1: what we saw, and a full question breakdown for night 1.
Night 2: what we saw, and a full question breakdown for the June and July debates.
Our favorite tweets and articles from the July debates.
Here are the topics we’re watching for in the debates ahead.
- Demanding Women of Color as Presidential Debate Moderators
- Education on the 2020 Campaign Trail
- Likeability v. Electability: Different Word, Same Sexism
- How the “Me Too” Movement Is Affecting Campaigns in the 2020 Elections
- Watch out for Abortion….the sleeper issue of the 2020 election cycle
- Equal Pay: From Soccer Stadiums to the Debate Stage
- Motherhood on the Campaign Trail