Media Round Up: March 8th

Happy Friday! Welcome to our Media Round Up. Each week we’re collecting and sharing our favorite gender + politics stories. Here’s what caught our eye this week:

Watch out, 2024, women are ‘Ready, Willing, and Electable’

Barbara Lee, Boston Globe

Following the exit of the last viable woman candidate in the 2020 presidential race, Barbara Lee takes a look at the status of women in politics. While a woman still hasn’t made it to the White House, GOTB research shows that women voters are participating more than ever and are ready for a woman president. Key quote? “In short, the idea that women do not belong in high office — that they cannot compete on the presidential stage alongside men — has gone the way of petticoats and corsets.”

You can read the full article here.

To beat Trump, a woman of color vice president is more than a consolation prize. It’s a necessity

Aimee Allison, Newsweek

As the race narrows down to two white, male frontrunners, many women are calling for greater representation on the ticket. Aimee Allison, founder of the Democratic women’s group She the People, writes that a historic increase of women voters of color is critical to deliver Democrats wins in swing states. The key to getting there? Turning out women voters by naming a woman of color as the vice presidential pick.

You can read the full article here.

5 takeaways from Tuesday’s primaries

Aaron Blake, The Washington Post

Six more states voted in primaries on Tuesday. Former vice president Joe Biden continued his trajectory towards the Democratic nomination, winning four out of six states (and taking the lead in Washington, which is still too close to call). Check out The Washington Post’s recap for more key takeaways.

You can read the full article here.

Biden should credit his victory in Michigan to women

Karen Tumulty, The New York Times

Joe Biden won a decisive victory in Michigan, and women are to thank. Among married women he had a 37 point advantage over Sanders, performing well with other groups of women too. The large margins of support he got from women voters indicate that he may be building a unified base of women’s support. Women’s participation should have been no surprise. Michigan has a history of women stepping up in politics – their 2018 statewide ticket was entirely comprised of women.

You can read the full article here.

Of Course the U.S. Will Have a Woman President

Cathy Young, The Atlantic

Despite the losses of the women senators who ran for president in 2020, one day a woman will hold the office. Cathy Young writes, “The belief that Warren and other women who set their sights on the White House face virtually insurmountable barriers because of their gender does more to perpetuate sexism in politics than to dismantle it.” 8 in 10 voters reject the idea that the US isn’t ready to elect a female president, showing that this country is ready for a woman to lead.

You can read the full article here.


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