Media Round Up: February 2nd

Happy Friday! Welcome to our Media Round Up. Each week we’re collecting and sharing our favorite gender + politics stories. Here’s what caught our eye this week:

Iowa Caucus Results 2020

The New York Times

In the first contest of the 2020 presidential election, Pete Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders have come out on top. Buttigieg narrowly leads in total delegates awarded, while Sanders captured a great share of the popular vote. Elizabeth Warren finished third, followed by Joe Biden then Amy Klobuchar. Interested in a gender analysis of the caucus? Check out this breakdown of who women supported.

You can read the full article here.

Female surrogates make the case for candidates’ electability and appeal across Iowa

Errin Haines, The Washington Post

Across Iowa, women have been stepping up on the trail. Democratic strategist Donna Brazile said the increased participation of woman surrogates is new this year.  “In the past, only a handful of women, including spouses, could command the floor,” Brazile said. “Now, we see evidence that women will claim our seats at the table, not only as candidates, or spouses, but chief surrogates and political strategists.”

You can read the full article here.

Democratic women are once again wearing all white to the State of the Union

Terry Nguyen, Vox

Democratic women arrived to this year’s State of the Union in all-white attire, a reference to the white outfits worn by suffragists. The dress code celebrates the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment, which gave some women the right to vote. Some congresswomen also wore green “ERA YES!” buttons to celebrate recent efforts to pass the Equal Rights Amendment. The sea of white outfits left a clear picture: Democratic women are strong, united, and persistent.

You can read the full article here.

Why New Mexico Elects More Women Of Color Than The Rest Of The Country

Amelia Thomson-DeVeaux and Meredith Conroy, FiveThirtyEight

When it comes to political leadership from women of color, New Mexico has always led the country. There are four main factors which help the prospects of women of color: a long history of women of color serving in lower-level statewide offices, large shares of Latinos and Native Americans in the state electorate, shifting political winds that have turned the state bluer, and a recent concerted effort to get more women of color to run for office. While New Mexico is ahead of the curve, don’t worry – other states are catching up.

You can read the full article here.

Are Today’s Politics Reminiscent Of Yesterday’s?

Jamilah Lemieux, Essence

50 years after the inaugural issue of Essence, black women are still working diligently to ensure people are treated with fairness and dignity. Jamilah Lemieux highlights some of the women leaders challenging educational inequality, fighting for environmental justice, and protecting voting rights. Take a look at these pioneers who are changing their communities.

You can read the full article here.


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