Month: March 2025

Welcome to the Media Round Up. Each week we’re collecting and sharing our favorite gender + politics stories. Hitting a paywall? Some sources allow a few free articles without a subscription, and your university or local library may offer free access. For example, AU students, faculty, and staff have access to popular newspapers through the …

HR 22, the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility– or the SAVE Act -was reintroduced by House Republicans, and with it, concerns about voting rights in America have once again come to the forefront of the national conversation. This act would make it harder for millions of Americans to register, or reregister to vote. In an attempt …

While the November 2024 presidential election did not yield the historic result of firsts with the first woman and first woman of color to hold the office of president, an examination of the strides made by women, and down ballot firsts are of import in setting the stage for future races as immediate as 2025 …