Month: March 2020

Today, March 31st, is Equal Pay Day 2020. On average, women have to work until this day to earn the same salary that men made in the previous year. Overall, women still earn just 81.6 cents for every dollar that men make. Here are four things to keep in mind this Equal Pay Day: …

During this terrible pandemic, state leaders have been at the forefront of the response – announcing social distancing orders, updating citizens on new Covid-19 cases, and outlining the status of the state’s health care systems and preparedness. Most governors are giving daily televised briefings along with key officials. In many cases, these key officials …

Happy Friday! Welcome to our Media Round Up. Each week we’re collecting and sharing our favorite gender + politics stories. Here’s what caught our eye this week: Young Voters Know What They Want. But They Don’t See Anyone Offering It. Maggie Astor, New York Times Millennial and Gen Z voters finally have enough power to …

Last week, Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard dropped out of the Presidential race, making her the last woman candidate to drop out of the Democratic primary for the presidential nomination. There are now only two older white men fighting to secure the Democratic nomination. Congresswoman Gabbard was always a longer shot, so in the week prior …

Image: Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) Throughout history the voices of people with disabilities have been suppressed, hidden away from society in segregated institutions, schools, and workshops. To this day we continue to see vestiges of this as the disability community advocates for policy that will allow people to choose where they live (Olmstead Decision), to …

Happy birthday to legendary civil rights and women’s rights activist Dorothy Height! Born in 1912, Height was the president of the National Council of Negro Women for forty years and served as an advisor to U.S. presidents and world leaders. On what would have been her 108th birthday, here are four quotes that inspire …

Happy Friday! Welcome to our Media Round Up. Each week we’re collecting and sharing our favorite gender + politics stories. Here’s what caught our eye this week: Biden says he will choose a female VP. Sanders wouldn’t commit. Caroline Kitchener, The Lily During Sunday night’s Democratic debate, former vice president Joe Biden promised that his …

We’ve leaned in. We’ve raised the money, hired brilliant staffers, and stuck it out until the end. And despite that, we’ve watched the women drop out of the presidential primary like petals. They love us, they love us not. At least, not enough to vote for us. For the 2020 Democratic primaries, we had six women …

Today Tulsi Gabbard announced the end of her presidential bid, making her the last woman to drop out of the 2020 race. Representative Gabbard’s campaign made history as the first woman combat veteran to run for president. She was also the youngest woman, and one of two women of color in the 2020 race. …

Illinois was one of three states holding its primary on March 17th, in the midst of the Coronavirus health crisis. Covid-19 also impacted Edison Research/National Election Pool who usually conducts the in-person exit polling used by news organizations, researchers, and this blog to analyze who voted for whom. Instead, some news organizations are using …